Lessons and Events



Welcome to Our Classes!

We offer classes from Spring through Summer. Please call for details and availability. 

 During Fall and Winter, we occasionally offer indoor classes at *Grays Harbor Bowmen.

We provide everything you need for the lessons, so don't worry if you don't have your own equipment. 


For Current Classes Details and Availability - Please Call Hidden X Archery 


If you're looking for a more personalized experience, we also offer Private Lessons. These lessons are perfect for archers who want to enhance their skills, improve their form, and refine their shot processes. 

So, whether you're a beginner or an experienced archer, our lessons are designed to meet your needs. Join us, and let's embark on an exciting archery journey together.

*Grays Harbor Bowmen is a private club with an annual membership that we recommend for all Archers!  http://www.graysharborbowmen.com/home.html


Washington State Archery Association Also known as WSAA is a great place to find info on tournaments in and around Washington.  We also recommend archers become members. https://washingtonstatearchery.org


NFAA is a great place to find info on State and National tournaments. We also recommend archers become members.  ( a membership here will also give you a WSAA membership) https://nfaausa.com/


USA Archery is a great place to find info on State and National tournaments. We also recommend archers become members.  https://www.usarchery.org/